
1) Self Managed investments
Self Managed Investments come in many different forms. It can be something physical like cash, precious metals, vehicles, equipment,  property, collectables and rare items or intangible like digital assets, shares, bonds, leveraged FX positions or else. 

If you choose to manage your own investments — It is desired to do a degree of research you are comfortable with and weigh up the risks to understand if you are comfortable with the level of risk/reward involved with a particular asset and if you have enough capital to see through the unfortunate events and in some cases hold for longer than desired.

You can see the list of our trusted execution only brokers here

2) Discretionary Investment Management
Discretionary investments Providers are regulated entities or individuals who are experienced in a number of financial instruments. Essentially whoever chooses to go ahead with discretionary investments manager – would be providing their savings to a qualified professional to invest at their discretion and to go in and out of any particular investment as they choose. This is a rather hands off experience for the investor as they place their full trust in the financial professional they are working with and the main factor here is to research the professional and see if they are someone you’re comfortable trusting with your savings.

It is however possible to divide up your investments and savings portfolio between the 3 or more ways of investing to get the perfect balance which each individual investor is comfortable with.

You can see the list of our trusted discretionary investment managers here


3) Advisory Services
Advisory Services is by far one of the most popular investment services out there. Advisory service would include a broker and an investor working together to reach a common goal. Investor would be putting their capital up for risk by investing in various products and expecting to make capital gains, whilst broker would be working on building trust and providing enough information for investor to make a decision.  The reputable broker will be providing the most comprehensive information to the client in understandable format and advising correctly to the clients risk appetite. This in turn builds client’s trust in the broker and leads to a lasting relationship and further client referrals.

You can see the list of our trusted advisory service providers here